Sunday, December 11, 2011

43 Pounds Down

I weighed myself this morning and have lost another 1.6 pounds.  I have now lost a total of 43 pounds, down 55 pounds from my highest weight.  I put on weight when I lived in Idaho because I was lonely and miserable, so I'd bake cookies and swing by Sonic on my way home from work.  Even though I had a fabulous kitchen, it was no fun to cook for just one.  Scott was always working, plus I didn't want to monopolize his time. 

Having the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy (VSG) was the best gift I could give myself.   It's not a "cure" for obesity.  It's a tool to help curing myself.  I (usually) make better food choices, drink my water, go to the gym, walk, and track my progress on

I've met a lot of new people that I consider friends because I've joined several Weight Loss Surgery (WLS) groups on Facebook.  Support is important when changing ingrained eating habits, and what I love about these groups is that they will hold me accountable, but they also support and encourage me.  I love seeing all their pictures as they lose their excess weight.

Anybody considering something like this should have a good support network.  We couldn't do it when we tried all the Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, etc., groups, and we can't go to those groups now because they actually work against how we should be eating.  However much we (well, me) might want to join Weight Watchers and then lose steadily, that isn't ethical or honest.  It would just make up for all the times I went and gained a pound from the previous week.  :-)

Last night Darling Husband (DH) and I went to dinner and Christmas shopping.  We went to Macaroni Grill in the mall.  For dinner I had a side Caesar salad and THREE crab stuffed mushrooms off the appetizer menu.  I was FULL!  I love my sleeve.


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

40 Pounds Gone

This morning I hit a new level.  I lost 40 pounds and have moved into a new "decade" on the scale.  Whoo hoo!