Saturday, March 2, 2013

What the?

I cannot believe I haven't written anything in almost a year.  Whoa!

The past year has been very busy.  In November 2011 the house in Black Diamond was flooded with sewage.  We spent most of 2012 fighting with their insurance companies (yes, companies), finally retaining a lawyer to get what they promised in the first place.  So.... every weekend was spent remodeling Black Diamond because we decided to move there and rent out the condo in Seattle.  We moved in on September 21, 2012. 

The insurance money covered repairing every room in the house but the ones that were deal breakers for me - the bathrooms and kitchen.  I ended up taking a loan against my 401(k) and the house has been remodeled top to bottom.  New kitchen, new bathrooms, new floors, new appliances - everything.  I even learned how to tile the backsplash in the kitchen.  It looks very nice, if I do say so myself.  LOL

My weight loss journey has slowed considerably but that is no one's fault but mine.  Although I am eating far less, I am still not eating how I should.  So..... I need to get back on the stick because I want to lost 35 pounds and hit "onderland" before my birthday in June.  There is no reason why I cannot accomplish that.  If I cannot, I want to hit that milestone before going to Ireland in September.  Jim and I are driving throughout Ireland, with a rental car and hotels pre-paid every night.  It should be a wonderful adventure.
