Friday, October 28, 2011

Where have I been?!

A friend asked me for a link to my blog because she had lost it.  The link, not her mind.  <smile>  I just realized I haven't posted anything since October 9.  What's the point of having a blog if you're not going to write in it?

Just returned from a whirlwind weekend in California to see the kids and my friend, Diane.  It was Diane's birthday and that seemed like a perfect "excuse" to go to California.  Gunner is growing so fast.  He's running all over the place.  They have an eight year old foster daughter they are in the process of adopting, plus three other foster kids, and another little girl who spent the night Saturday.  Once the adoption is final I can share more details.  At one point I actually said "If I have to come in there, SOMEBODY's going to bed!"  When did I revert to being a mother of children?!  I guess some things never go away.

While I was there I received word that my best friend all through junior and high school died suddenly.  Lori was my maid of honor when Dave and I married in 1993.  Everywhere I went all weekend I thought of Lori and the trouble we had gotten into.  We got into mischief as only junior high girls can.  RIP Lori.  You were a gentle soul who will be missed.  I hope someone steps up and adopts your fur baby.  I know how much you loved her.

To date I have lost 30 pounds.  Perhaps slower than some, but I'm averaging 15 pounds a month.  Never in my past could I lose weight that quickly.  I reached the point where I always hit a road block when I was in Weight Watchers.  The weight lost, not the amount I weigh.  I would hit about 30 pounds and start panicking for some reason.  It was like if I had to start buying smaller clothes, I couldn't "hide" behind my weight anymore.  I would freak out and start sabotaging my weight loss efforts, then I would end up quitting.  With the vertical sleeve, even if I wanted to do that I can't.  Believe me, I don't!

I had a chance to visit with a friend from Petaluma, Debbie, while I was there.  She had the same surgery as me, but a week later.  It was nice to touch base in person and compare experiences.

This morning on the walk from my car to the turnstile I turned my ankle on a rock and went down.  Thankfully nothing worse than a twisted ankle and road rashed knee.  I hobbled around the office all day, though.  I did my eight hours and came home.  My ankle is a little bit swollen but that's all.

I'm not sure if this blog is a diary for me or a journal for others to read.  Sometimes I write it like I'm talking to someone.  I guess if someone does read this, that's okay.



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