Saturday, July 30, 2011

It's Saturday!

Yay!  I've had the most lazy day.  Jim took the bike to Black Diamond to get a haircut.  Jim, not the bike.  I've been putzing all day, doing laundry, cleaning up paperwork, etc.  No hair, no make up.  Okay, maybe that should change.  Jim just called and we have a date night tonight.  We're going to see Captain America and go somewhere carb-friendly for dinner.  I'm craving a mango taco salad from Qdoba, minus that blasted tortilla shell.  The salad by itself is 20g of carbs.  The shell takes it up to 60g.  Um, no thanks.  What sounds even better is the Caesar salad with blackened salmon from Stanford's.  Hmmmmm.....

Also watching Air Force One on TV.  I guess there's not that many people who know that the shots showing the president's motorcade driving through Red Scare are wrong.  It may make a great visual to show St. Basil's in the background, but there's no way to drive out in the direction they are going.  That's only a pedestrian gateway.

I feel a lot calmer today than Thursday night.  Now I'm anxious to have the surgery and get on with my "new" life.  I've spent a LOT of time on Facebook today reading the comments on the group and site I belong to on FB.  Lots of good information and positive support.  I haven't decided if I want to post anything on my FB page.  I think people would be supportive of my decision.  Really, why does it matter what they think?  The reactions people have are crazy.  Oh, well.  Gotta go get dressed!  TTFN

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