Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Tomorrow's the Day

I report to my surgeon's office at 6:30 tomorrow morning.  I'm a little nervous.  This is a big deal, removing most of my stomach.  The vertical sleeve gastrectomy (VSG) I'm having leaves a pouch about the size of a small banana.  The thing I like about it, though, is that it is not as radical as a gastric bypass.  My intestines will not be altered. 

This is a new adventure and I'm not sure if I can picture myself as a thin person.  Even as a child I visualized myself as "round."  Those were the role models I grew up with.  I visualized myself as a grown up, albeit in 1960's apparel, as a short-haired blond with glasses, definitely rounder than Twiggy.  Even when I weighed 135 pounds (at my lowest, when I was working full-time, practicing with my drill team for the nationals, and my mother was terminally ill), I saw myself as overweight.  At 5'8", 135 pounds is not overweight.  I see that now.  The males in my life at that time didn't help matters, but there's no point in going there now.

However, now I have a husband who already thinks I'm beautiful, supportive family and friends, and support groups on Facebook that provide a lot of support and information.

Here's to my new future.  One that will be healthier.  I may break the bank buying new clothes.  I am determined to be successful.  I know it won't always be easy,  particularly the first few weeks.

Talk to you in a few days.

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