Thursday, August 18, 2011

Saw the Nutritionist Today

So, I went to see the Nutritionist today.  She says I'm doing very, very well and look great.  She even said I'm probably the best she has seen, given that mine was a revision.  For those of you that don't know, I had lapband surgery in 2006 and never had much luck with it.  Not blaming the band.  If there was a way to work around what it was supposed to do, I think I found it.  On June 22 I had my band removed; then on August 4 I had the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy (VSG).  VSG involves removing most of the patient's stomach, but unlike Gastric Bypass the intestines are not rerouted.  I digress...

The visit went very well.  I seem to be doing everything I should be doing with the exception of taking the generic Prilosec (omedprezol?).  I have been having no heartburn so of course I decided I didn't need it.  I was wrong.  I need to take it every day because it helps my stomach heal, especially since mine was a revision.

During the course of the visit she asked me if I ever get lightheaded.  I told her that I do sometimes, but to be honest I never think too much about it.  About five minutes later I told her I was feeling light hearted and warm/flushed.  She got the blood pressure cuff and my BP was 110/58.  VERY low.  She said I need to be sure to get in enough fluid.  All I had had so far this morning at that point was my protein shake.  To be safe, I'm going up to my surgeon's office tomorrow to have them monitor my BP.  If it's so low again, I'll try to get in to see the doctor while I'm there. 

It took me a while to start losing weight after the surgery (due to the IV bags), but since last Friday I've been averaging a 1.5 pound per day weight loss.  Yay me!

Talk to you later!

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