Saturday, August 6, 2011

I Made It!

I had my surgery last Thursday morning.  The sugery went well.  I have the best doctor in the world.  :-)  They put in two drains that will get taken out next week.  Luckily I've had drains before and they don't bother me.

The surgeon's staff kept me overnight due to my sleep apnea.  It's something new they are trying.  It gave them the ability to monitor my oxygen levels all night.  A couple of times the monitor went off because I was only at 88% oxygen so I was glad I was there.  However,  I'm also very glad  to be back home!  It's impossible  to get any good sleep in a hospital.

I was pleasantly surprised, if you can all it  that, that my weight loss during the pre-op diet was closer to 15 pounds than the six pounds my home scale indicated.  I kept thinking what the heck?!  My pants were looser than they had been, but my scale wasn't reflecting that.  Now we have to recalibrate our home scale. 

Jim picked me up at 7am yesterday and brought me home, where I spent the better part of yesterday napping and walking around the condo to get some walking in.  It was so nice to sleep horizontally in my own bed.

Michael and Mikey came over to see me yesterday.  Michael came over this morning for about four hours so Jim could get an estimate on repairing the motorcycle.  We went for a walk around the block then I came home and slept for two more hours.

I am taking it easy, following the doctor's and nutritionist's advice, and resting.  We've got tickets to see Les Miz next Saturday and I'm not missing that for the world.



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